Saturday, March 1, 2025

Family Resources and Important School Information

 Welcome to the Kenneth C. Coombs School 

Family Resources Site!

This blog is formally known as the Falcon Eye however Mashpee Public School as moved to School Status Connect for their weekly newsletter communications. School Status Connect is also the primary way to send information to families. We have transformed this site into a quick and easy place to find important information like bus routes, parent drop off/pick up processes and links to photo albums. This site will remain live as a resource for families of KCCS. 

Friday, December 20, 2024

The Falcon Eye! 12/20/24

KCCS Falcon Eye has moved to School Status Connect.
For all news related to KCCS, go to your School Status Connect.

Winter Break
We hope you have a safe and enjoyable winter break. Your children have been working extremely hard and we couldn't be prouder of their efforts. The KCCS staff are dedicated and loving individuals that work tirelessly for our youngest Falcons. Winter break is a time for rest and relaxation so we can hit the ground running in the new year. Parents and guardians, thank you for your collaboration and ongoing support so your children thrive at KCCS. 

Happy New Year!

Principal Mrs. O'Brien and 
Assistant Principal Mr. Prehna

The Winter Glow Stroll
We are excited to announce the Winter Glow Stroll raised over $1,100 for the Falcon Family Fund! All raffle winners have been notified of their winnings! Congratulations to those who won and thank you to all who donated! We can't wait until next year!

ST Math Superstars!
KCCS has a super fun and positive math mindset! This week, students who were ST Math Superstars went to the gym to play math games with Math Coach Ms. Souza. Keeping a positive mindset about math keeps students growing and builds confidence in their abilities to learn math skills. 

Spirit Week! 12/16 - 12/20

Merry Monday!: Wear Red and Green

Tinsel Toes Tuesday: Wear Crazy Socks

Winter Wonderland Wednesday: Wear All White

Long Winters Night Thursday: Wear Your PJ's

Festive Friday! Wear an Ugly Sweater

PreK Mystery Reader
This week, Elijah (2nd grader) came to read to Ms. Fulone's class and they were all blown away by his excitement, fluency and effort. Thankyou Elijah for coming to read to the class and being such a positive role model! 

KCCS/QS Connection!
Ms. Lepore’s 4th grade students  and Ms O’Brien's 1st grade students got into the holiday spirit today! Fourth graders did a wonderful job presenting the play “ The Grinch” and getting in some reading buddy time. 

PTO News!
Thank you to everyone who attended and helped out at the Winter Glow Stroll last Friday! It was an incredible success! We raised about $1000 for our Falcon Family Fund with all of the raffle tickets that were purchased! AMAZING! This fund is in place to purchase gift cards to places like Stop n Shop for food, gas, and basic living essential needs, and Marshalls, HomeGoods, and TJ Maxx for clothing and toy needs. While this fund is helpful to families during the holiday season, the school strategically distributes gift cards so that these financial resources can be helpful all year long.

On Wednesday, members of the PTO Board announced the winners of the gift baskets from the event. Congratulations to all of the winners! There were so many beautiful and thoughtful baskets donated by teachers and staff and families! 

Wishing everyone a joyful holiday!

Mark your Calendars:
Tuesday January 7th: PTO Meeting at 5:30pm in the KCCS Cafeteria

Go Falcons!

Saturday, December 14, 2024

The Falcon Eye! 12/13/24

KCCS Winter Glow Stroll
Last night, KCCS started a new tradition for family fun for all! 

Mashpee is connected community that helps each other whenever we can. Thank you to Ms. Thompson and Ms. Walsh, KCCS school counselors, for coordinating donations and gift cards to support KCCS families. 
Thank you the Mashpee Kiwanis Club, Priscilla Stolba Real Estate, Amy Dempsey, Sean O’Connor, retired MPS staff, KCCS staff members for their generosity, KCCS PTO, KCCS front office staff, MPS Food Services, KCCS staff volunteers, Mashpee PD, DPW, everyone who donated and who came to make this event extra special! 

The PTO will be drawing the names for the raffles on Wednesday! 

All contributions go directly to the Falcon Family Fund which positively impacts families not only during the holidays, but throughout the year. 
Thank you everyone who made last night an incredible experience for all! 
It is GREAT to be in Mashpee!

KCCS Spirit Week!

KCCS Preschool

Mashpee's youngest Falcons work hard every day in Ms. Trombly's preschool classroom. Three year old's are actively engaged in dramatic play, projects, letter identification and teachers speak with enriching language to develop background knowledge for early literacy skills. The building blocks for literacy, numeracy and building strong relationships starts here. 

Turtle Talk! 
First grade students were paid a visit from Sandy Neck Park Ranger Ms. Luppino to hear about our local Diamondback Terrapins, their significance to Cape Cod, and why protecting our waterways is vital to their population.

STEM Experiments with the US Coast Guard 

This week, second grade students had another STEM focused visit from the Coast Guard. Students participated in experiments about sound and the importance of communication. These hands on experiences provide students with  Thank you so much to our Coast Guard members who dedicate their precious time to our students!

School Attendance

Happy Friday! And happy Glow Stroll day! We are so excited to be partnering with KCCS to put on a fun family event to kick off the winter season! Sponsoring events like this is just one of the many ways we put our PTO funds to use, and we are so grateful for that. So far this school year we’ve funded field trips, half of the Welcome Back BBQ costs, Book Fair events, and the Back to School Breakfast for teachers and staff. Thank you all so much for your support! 

Mark your Calendars:
Tuesday January 7th: PTO Meeting at 5:30pm in the KCCS Cafeteria

Connected Community

Go Falcons!