April Break! Monday 4/18 - 4/22
Comic Relief for Parents and Caregivers

The PTO is now accepting nominations for next year’s Board! Being part of the Board is a great way to be an essential part of the KC Coombs School Community! Please nominate people who you feel are qualified AND willing to serve on the Executive Board of the PTO. Self-nominations are welcomed!
Many of our current board members will no longer have children at KC Coombs next year so we strongly encourage parents to consider a position on the board. This will ensure things such as the Book Fair, The Giving Tree event, Spirit Wear sales and many other school enhancing events continue to happen at KC Coombs.
The positions available are President, Vice President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary and Corresponding Secretary.
For questions on how to nominate someone or about specific duties of any of the positions please contact Rachel Coscia at kccptopresident@gmail.com. Voting will take place at our May PTO meeting (5/24/2022 at 6:30pm)
Dear Families and Friends,I am super excited about this activity. Postcards Across America is an activity that we will do as a class to learn about our country. We are hoping to get a postcard from every state, but we need your help! If you have a family member or close friend from a different state, we would love to have them send us a postcard. I would like to get as many families involved in this exchange as possible. When doing this we will learn different facts and where the state is located on the map! I am thrilled to get this activity going and try to get all 50 states!
Our mailing address is:
Kenneth C Coombs School
Mrs. Evelyn O’Keefe-Room 164
152 Old Barnstable Road
Mashpee, Massachusetts 02649
Be SafeBe ResponsibleBe RespecfulBe CaringBe Ready to Learn