Next week we will be starting the American Heart Association’s Kid Heart Challenge! This is a voluntary fundraiser for the American Heart Association. We will be learning ways to keep our hearts and brains healthy in Physical Education class. Students can earn fun thank-you gifts and earn Physical Education equipment for our school. Thank you in advance for your support of this worthwhile program!

Thank you to the parents, caregivers, guardians and educators who attended last night's Zoom training on internet safety called Keep Them Safe. We know schedules are a challenge, so we are proud to be able to share the resources and video with everyone who missed it. Myself, Officer Hennessey and Miss Ferreira have worked hard to find ways to support our students and their families on the uncomfortable topics of sexting, online harassment, cyberbullying, sextorion and human trafficking. The resources and recordings below will give you a starting point whether your student is 4 or 14... whether you are tech savvy or not, whether you are just starting to learn, or still learning.
- Here is the recording to the webinar (1 hour, 11 minutes) on YouTube:
Y2lG_L7M1mc - The webinar takes you on a tour of the custom-built website designed to get you up to speed on the challenges our students are facing online. This website includes videos, websites, articles, resources, gaming support and tools to explore. We suggest you spend time as caregivers learning yourself and then decide which elements are appropriate to share with your children. https://sites. mpsfamilyresources/home The link to this website is located under Parents on the Mashpee Public Schools website, too. We suggest you bookmark it.
The three of us chatted for a while after our guests logged off... wishing we had more time, thinking of more strategies we wanted to share and excited about the thought of presenting again. We welcome your feedback as we plan what is next. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out.