Comic Relief for Parents and Caregivers
The role of the paraprofessional is crucial in supporting students and making sure the building runs. At KCC, we are fortunate to have all of these incredible, dedicated individuals to work with your children in all aspects of the day.
School Safety

KCC PTO 7th Annual Falcon Dance Off
Parents, and businesses, look out for sponsorship requests coming your way either in the mail or flyers from our students, for t-shirts and donation fundraising!
As the PTO's largest fundraiser, WITH YOUR HELP, we can continue making KCC a “great place to learn and grow.” The Falcon Dance Off dance day is Friday, May 12th with active fundraising kicking off on May 3rd. More information will come home closer to those dates.
Parents, and businesses, look out for sponsorship requests coming your way either in the mail or flyers from our students, for t-shirts and donation fundraising!
As the PTO's largest fundraiser, WITH YOUR HELP, we can continue making KCC a “great place to learn and grow.” The Falcon Dance Off dance day is Friday, May 12th with active fundraising kicking off on May 3rd. More information will come home closer to those dates.
Come to our next PTO Meeting on Tuesday April 11th from 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM located in the KCC Cafeteria.
Health Lesson with Cassie!
Thank you to Nurse Stacey and Cassie for teaching us about First Aid and how to take care of ourselves if we get a cut. They showed us how to clean our cut before we put a band aid on it. Cassie was not a big fan of the band aids, but she was a real trooper!Bus Loop
After school, please do not park in the front of the building in the bus loop. Buses still need to come to pick up students for the late bus after clubs. Often, vehicles are blocking the bus loop on the corners or right in the loop. Thank you for your cooperation.
Message from
Nurse Stacey
April is here and, hopefully, so is the nicer weather! With the lighter, longer days, children can participate in more outdoor and sports- related activities.
• As the weather becomes warmer, it is important to outfit your child in appropriate footwear and clothing. Please refrain from having children wear flip-flops, sandals or open-toed shoes as it is important to keep feet safe and enable children to move around easily.
• Please keep a change of clothing in your child’s backpack in the event a need arises.
• If you have not provided the Health Office with an updated copy of your child’s physical, please do so. Please send in physicals as they are completed throughout the school year.
• If you received a vision or hearing screening referral letter for your child, please provide the Health Office with an updated doctor’s note with their findings.
• If any personal information, home/mailing address, home/work/cell phone number, emergency contacts, etc., has changed, please update this information by emailing .
• Please remember to email when your child will be tardy or absent.
• Polished dental returns to KCC April 11th and will see those students who have previously signed up for this program.
If you need any additional information I may be reached at or 508-539-1526.
Have a great April vacation and a happy and healthy spring!!
Last week our KCC Reading Specialists hosted Bedtime Stories! Students, staff and parents came back to school dressed in their comfy pajamas for crafts, hot chocolate, tent reading and stories with Thunder! Thank you to all the staff who volunteered to make this event incredible for kids! Thank you to the PTO for sponsoring this event!
Exciting news for our 2nd grade students! As part of their step up to Quashnet present, the KCC PTO has sponsored a 2022-2023 Kenneth C. Coombs School Yearbook for each 2nd grade student. (If a Grade 2 student has already purchased a yearbook, a refund will be issued.)
Yearbooks will be available to purchase for students in Preschool-Grade 1 by using the link below for $15. The deadline for ordering the yearbook online is April 24, 2023.
The website to order the yearbook is:
Yearbook ID Code: 15039823
Click on this link to register your child for this summer’s Falcon Discovery Camp.
Thursday Pictures