Friday, August 25, 2023

The Falcon Eye! 8/25/23

Summer is over however the fun has just begun! We are super excited to welcome everyone to KCC for the 2023/2024 school year. Whether you are returning or brand new to our community, you are now officially a Mashpee Falcon! This is the Falcon Eye, our weekly blog, that helps parents/guardians navigate what is happening at school. This is your go to spot for pictures, news and upcoming events. The first day of school for 1st and 2nd grade is Wednesday, August 30th. The first day of school for PreK and K is Thursday, August 31st! We cannot wait to see you all!

    - MaryKate O'Brien, Principal
    - Brian Prehna, Assistant Principal

Please be on the lookout for bus information in the mail. In these envelopes you'll find a bus tag with your child's information on it. Please attach this tag to the outside of your child's backpack like JiJi. Attach the tag whether your child rides the bus or not. This will help staff identify students when they arrive at school.  Please make sure to complete the blue form and return it with your child on their first day. Bus routes will be coming out soon! Each grade level was given a different color bus tag: Kindergarten is yellow, 1st Grade is Blue and 2nd Grade is red. If your child is attending preschool or PreK, transportation tags will be given out at orientation. 

*** Transportation Information Continued ***
This year, KCC will be using Pick Up Patrol to assist with dismissal each day. Parents will receive an email from Pick Up Patrol Monday regarding the app and the system. Please read and follow the directions in the email. 

If your child is entering PreK (3yo/4yo) and/or Kindergarten, we will be hosting orientation on Wednesday, August 30th. There will be two sessions which will be organized by student last names. Parents, please park in the main parking lot and walk up to the main entrance.
Students with last names starting:
* A - L will be from 1:30 - 2:10 
* M - Z will be from 2:15 -  2:55

Breakfast and Lunch
School meals will again be provided free of charge as last year.  HOWEVER, if you have usually been free or reduced in the past, an application should be completed.  There are additional benefits for families of students that are eligible for free or reduced meals, as well as state aid to our district based on the level of need. Click here for the form.

KCC's Open House is: 
Thursday, September 14th at 6:00 PM. 

Quashnet's Open House is:
Thursday September 28th at 6:00 PM

A message from Nurse Stacey and the KCC Health Office!

Welcome Back to a GREAT school year. The health office is available to provide first aid and emergency care and illness assessment as needed. Illnesses occurring during the school day will be evaluated, and the student will either be sent home or allowed to rest in the health office and then return to class at the discretion of the school nurse. 

    If you wish to be notified each time your child visits the health office or wish your child to NOT  participate in the annual screenings noted in the parent handbook please send in a written note requesting this so all staff will be made aware of these requests. In order to ensure health and safety, it is important to follow the guidelines and protocols noted below.

If your child requires medications or treatments during school hours, it is necessary to remember the following as noted in the student/parent handbook:

  • Medications must be in the original container with the medication name and current date for each medication.

  • You must sign and complete a parent consent form for each medication.

  • You must provide a signed doctor’s order form for each medication.

  • Medications must be delivered by an adult to school. These procedures also include all over the counter medications, including cough drops.

   You should have also received and completed a student emergency contact update email link to update your contact information in addition to health information. Please also inform the health office any time there are any changes to the information you provided. I would also like to share with you the following reminders and tips’ regarding head lice as September is “National Pediculosis Month”.

  • Parents/Guardians should check their children at least once a week and preferably daily, all year round for head lice.

  • If head lice are identified at home, please contact the school as early as possible.

  • Students who have been identified as having head lice must come to school by private transportation to be re-checked by the school nurse before they can return to school.

  • Please feel free to stop by or contact the health office at (508)539-1520 ext 104 or e-mail  I look forward to working with you this year. Please also remember to email the by 9:00 a.m. every time your child is absent or will be tardy. 

PTO Welcome Back BBQ!

Connected Community Events!