October 31st is Orange and Black day at KCC. We ask that all costumes and props remain at home. We will be following our wellness policy regarding no treats in the classroom.
ST Math!
We love math at KCC! This week, Mr. Prehna, Ms. Grieve and Ms. Souza attended ST Math Champion Day in Marlborough to learn more about this incredible program.
This week every kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grader were taught how to ride the school bus! Students practice by getting on and off the bus as well as learning about the proper way to sit. Students also reviewed the Falcon 5 Voice Check which will be used on all buses with KCC students.
Kindness Clubs!
Ms. Davis facilities a club focused on kindness! This week students made kindness bracelets. When Ms. Davis isn't running a club, she works in Ms. Swifts kindergarten class!
Please make sure to follow all directions from staff members directing traffic (usually Mr. Prehna) and on the curb. Staff members directing traffic are clearly marked in traffic vests. These directions must be follow to allow a safe and efficient parent arrival and dismissal. The safety of children, staff and caregivers is crucial and we all must do our part.
News from Ms. Friel!
PTO Book Fair! Picture Retake Day!

PTO News
As we wrap up the month of October and head into November, the PTO wanted to make sure everyone was aware of the exciting events happening! Flyers will be sent home with more information regarding BINGO Night and class schedules for shopping at the Book Fair during school hours. As always, we invite you to attend our upcoming PTO meeting. It's a great way to stay connected and informed and meet other parents!
Spider Day in Ms. Shea's Class!
Students have been learning about creepy crawly spiders all week and had an opportunity to get into character!
Connected Community!

Coalition for Children
Thursday Pictures