The District is providing a FREE FAMILY SPAGHETTI DINNER (spaghetti, salad, breadstick) from 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM on the same evening at MMHS for families connected to the workshop.
Free childcare will be provided during Dr. Wornum's workshop portion of the evening.
Dr. Wornum's workshop cannot be recorded and shared, so we are hopeful you are able to attend. Through this shared learning opportunity, we will create an improved school community and an improved Mashpee community.
Learn more about Dr. Wornum
If you have any questions, please reach out to me at pdeboer@mpspk12.org.

PTO News and Updates!
On Tuesday, the board- and the dynamic duo that is Mrs. O’Brien and Mr. Prehna- met for this month’s PTO meeting. A few new faces joined us, too! Main topics of discussion include: the upcoming Boosterthon fundraising event that will be taking place from May 1st-10th, game night that is scheduled for March 14th, discounted family skiing outings on the first mondays of February and March, and future PTO social gatherings.
Save the Dates:
February 5th and March 4th-
Family Skiing on Blue Hills in Canton, MA
The PTO is excited to announce an opportunity for families to connect outside of school with an afternoon on the mountain! This pre-pay outing will take place after school on these early release days at 3pm, as long as there is enough snow on the mountain. Families can avail of group-discounted ski rates for lifts, rentals, and lessons. Flyers will be sent out next week with information on how to RSVP, but save the date for some Falcon family fun on the slopes!
Tuesday March 5th-
PTO Meeting KCC Cafeteria at 5:30 pm
Our meetings aren’t just for the board and the leaders of our school; they’re for you, too! Come join us for one hour a month. Listen, share your experience, or give us feedback. We are happy with any and all participation, and we would love to get to know you!
March 14th-
Game night at KCC
Laura, from Whale of a Time Parties will be putting together a fun-filled family game night! The theme of this event is still under consideration, but it’s sure to be a blast!
The PTO is happy to share that our annual Shop and Support at the Mashpee Commons raised $150! Thank you to everyone who shopped locally during this event! For those of you who might not be aware of just what the PTO does with the money it raises, one recent example is that we purchased a new drying rack for the art classroom! Last year, the picnic tables in the courtyard were purchased. We are planning to add more, with the hope that students and teachers can enjoy outside classroom time during the warmer months.
Thank you all for your continued support of the PTO! Happy January!
