Students in Grade 2 have been learning about the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race, which starts in Anchorage, Alaska this coming Saturday. Several exciting events are planned to celebrate their learning! These are events students won’t want to miss!
The IditaRead Reading Challenge:
Starting next week, students will be reading their way from Anchorage to Nome, Alaska. Details will be going home on Library day!
March 5: Virtual Author Visit:
On Thursday, students will meet the author of Sled Dog School, the chapter book we are reading during Library classes. They will learn about dog sledding and ask the author questions.
March 12: Iditarod Presentation sponsored by the KCC PTO:
Karen Land will be visiting KCC with all of her mushing gear. Students will learn more about the Iditarod, dog sledding, and may even get a chance to lead the sled!
As we’ve mentioned already, the theme for this year’s Game Night (taking place on Thursday March 14th from 6-7:30 pm) is “Multicultural”. Multiple countries and cultures will be represented through games and refreshments. Families will receive a passport to travel the world through the KCC lens, visiting and learning about the following: Asia, Brazil, Eastern Europe, Ireland, Israel, Mexico, Wampanoag, and USA. It’s sure to be a night of fun, as well as a night where we can come together as a community and celebrate how beautifully diverse we all are. We’ve partnered up with Laura Bowen of Whale of A Time Parties, who is using all of her amazing creative juices to transform our school gym and cafeteria into an interactive world map. We also need your help! We would love to have some refreshments at the game tables that represent these countries and cultures. If you are willing and able to donate or contribute to this event, please reach out to Amanda Keane at kccptopresident@gmail.com.
The PTO (parent teacher organization) plays an integral role in enhancing the quality of student education by raising funds to support enrichment activities and providing materials not covered by the school’s working budget. Our Boosterthon fundraising event will be taking place from May 2nd to May 10th. This event is our Number One source to grow our PTO funds and offer our school community the very best. The Falcon Dance-Off is a fun fundraising program that combines world-class character content with a highly profitable way to support our school financially. To increase the excitement, we provide each student with a FREE custom KCC Falcon Dance-Off t-shirt to wear on the day of the event. In order to provide t-shirts on event day, we need your help! We are looking for sponsors from local businesses. Your logo and/or name will be displayed on the back of a shirt worn by every student in the school. Not only will your support be helpful to KCC, it will also bring awareness to your business. Win, win! Sponsor commitments are needed by March 15th in order for us to place the shirt orders in time. Sponsorship forms will be sent home with pricing and ad options.
Finally, our next PTO meeting will take place on Tuesday March 5th at 5:30 pm in the cafeteria. Childcare for Pre-K through 2nd Grade will be provided, as well as pizza. We hope to see you there! Mark your Calendars: PTO Meeting Tuesday March 5th at 5:30 PM Family Game Night Thursday March 14th 6-7:30 PM Commitment Deadline for t-shirt sponsors March 15th