Monday's Solar Eclipse
KCCS has purchased glasses for the solar eclipse on Monday. Every student will receive a pair of these glasses. We are emphasizing safety during this once in a life time experience! Tanglewood Marionettes
On our half day, students enjoyed a thrilling performance by the Tanglewood Marionettes! Students watched the production: The Dragon King!
WHOI Visitor for Kindergarten
All mammals breathe air, give birth to live young, nurse their young, are warm-blooded, and have hair (baby whales and dolphins actually have small hairs on their rostrums (nose) when born and it eventually sheds away leaving behind small follicles). Marine mammals have a range or territory where you can expect to find them and many species migrate over long distances each year. Some whales feed in polar waters, and travel thousands of miles to warm water areas to have their young.
In this lesson, students will learn to distinguish mammals from other animals and then separate marine mammals from other mammals. They will discuss what constitutes their "backyard" and how that compares to the "backyard" of a North Atlantic right whale. They will learn about the species of cetaceans (whale, dolphin, porpoise) and pinnipeds (seal, sea lion, walrus) that can be found off Cape Cod and experiment with marine mammal photo identification. They will discover how humans impact the marine environment and marine mammals in their local area and what they can do to make a difference.
KCCS Pictures!
All year long we have been adding pictures to albums located on the blog. If you go to the tab at the top of the blog that says, "Photos 2023 - 2024 you'll find hundreds of pictures throughout the year. Click here to go right to it!
National Assistant Principal Day!
On Tuesday, KCC recognized Mr. Prehna for National Assistant Principal Day. Mr. Prehna is incredibly thankful for all the kindness showed to him.
JiJi Day!

News from the PTO!
This week’s PTO meeting was very productive! We approved all of the upcoming class field trips for Pre-K through 2nd Grade, and we are so excited for all of our students to have a day of learning and exploring outside of the classroom. Our Staff Appreciation Day is coming up next month, and the majority of the planning is complete! Our teachers and staff do so much for our kids and our school, and the luncheon we put together is such a fun way for us to show our appreciation.
We’ve talked a lot over the course of this school year about ways we can bring parents together, and ways we can get to know all of you better. We are thrilled to share that we have arranged for an adults-only event! Join the PTO on Friday May 3rd at Color Me Mine in the Mashpee Commons for some pottery painting fun! We will provide snacks and good conversation. We can’t wait to spend time with you!
Are you interested in being more involved with the PTO?! If so, next month is our Election Meeting. All positions are available if you are wanting a seat on the board. We also welcome anyone from our community to come sit in on the meetings and take part in the discussions. These meetings are roughly an hour long, and we provide pizza and childcare. We would love to have you be part of them.
Mark your Calendars:
* Paint with the PTO:
Friday May 3rd 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM at Color Me Mine
* Falcon Dance-Off Fundraising Week:
Thursday May 2nd - Friday May 10th
* Falcon Dance-Off Day:
Friday May 10th
* PTO Election Meeting:
Tuesday May 14th 5:30pm in the cafeteria (this is the final PTO meeting of the school year) Kindly, PTO Board
STEM with Ms. Vincent!
Last week in STEM first grade students learned about owls! After finding out about these fascinating nocturnal birds of prey students teamed up to dissect owl pellets and sort their findings on an Owl Pellet Bone Chart. An owl pellet is any undigested bones, fur, or feathers that make up an owls diet. These undigested parts form a pellet that is coughed up by the owl. They are then collected and sanitized so that students can learn more about these fascinating creatures and what they eat! Many students exclaimed it was “the best day ever” in STEM class that day!
Connected Community!
Ms. Jenaya Perry, the Mashpee Wampanoag Princess, visited classes at KCCS. She shared the importance of being POW WOW Princess, the POW WOW and about Wampanoag culture.
Thursday Pictures
I Fit at MPS!