Welcome to the Kenneth C. Coombs School
The Falcon Eye is back and will continue to be your go to source for everything KCCS! We are excited to start the 24/25 school year off on a positive note! Each week the Falcon Eye will be sent through School Status Connect which is an app downloadable on your personal devices. You can set to receive message notifications from School Status Connect as text messages and/or emails notifications.
Class placements letters went out Thursday 8/15/2024. If you have not completed returning student registration, please do so as soon as possible so your child's official placement letter will be mailed at that time.
*** First Day of School for Gr. 1 - Gr. 2 is Wednesday 8/28/2024 ***
*** First Day of School for PreK and K is Thursday 8/29/2024 ***
PreK and Kindergarten Orientation 8/28/24
Each year, we welcome our youngest Falcons and their families into the building to meet their teachers and explore their classroom before their first day of school. Below is the schedule for when your child and family are invited to attend orientation.
- Students whose last names begins with the letter A - L: 1:30 PM - 2:10 PM
- Students whose last names begins with the letter M - Z: 2:15 PM - 2:55 PM
Information Regarding KCCS Open House Coming Soon!
Bus Transportation
Please be on the lookout for bus information in the mail. In these envelopes you'll find a bus tag with your child's information on it. Please attach this tag to the outside of your child's backpack like JiJi. Attach the tag whether your child rides the bus or not. This will help staff identify students when they arrive at school. Please make sure to complete the blue form and return it with your child on their first day. Bus routes will be coming out soon! Each grade level was given a different color bus tag: Kindergarten is yellow, 1st grade is blue and 2nd grade is red. If your child is attending preschool or PreK, transportation tags will be given out at orientation.
KCCS AM/PM Parent Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures

A welcome email will be coming out very soon! Please be on the lookout in your email.
On Friday, KCCS welcomed families of our youngest Falcons to gather at school for popsicles and play. Having children and families back at school was wonderful! We cannot wait to start the school year!