Comic Relief for Parents and Caregivers
K.C. Coombs School PTO
KCC families! We are so happy to be able to host our first in person meeting in two years tomorrow, Tuesday March 8th at 6:30pm in the cafeteria. We have many things to discuss so we hope you can attend! Babysitting and refreshments provided! We are looking forward to seeing you there! If you have any questions regarding the meeting please email Rachel Coscia at
K.C. Coombs School PTO
We’re so excited to host our Second Annual KCC Falcon Dance-Off (powered by Boosterthon) to
help our school! Boosterthon in a fun, nine-day program that combines world-class character
content with a highly-profitable fundraiser. More details on what this fundraiser entails will be
coming home in a couple of weeks! To increase the excitement and school spirit of this event,
we’re hoping to provide each student with a FREE custom KCC Falcon Dance-Off t-shirt to wear
the day of the event, at no cost to our students or school. In order to make this happen, we need your help! We’re hoping to partner with local businesses to help sponsor these shirts. If you know of or are a part of a business that would like to sponsor our t-shirts, please see the attached Sponsorship Form for more information. Their logo or name will be displayed on the back of a shirt worn by every student in the school. Not only will the sponsor’s support be helpful to KC Coombs, but it will create awareness for their business.
We need a commitment from all sponsors by March 18th in order to supply all our students with a shirt.
Thank you in advance for supporting our school through the Fun Run! If you have any questions, please contact me at
Thank you, Rachel Coscia President KCC PTO
Read Across America Week!
On Wednesday March 2nd, 15 MHS English Honor Society Students read to every KCC classroom! We are extremely thankful to Ms. Smith (KCC Library Teacher), Annmarie Finn (MHS National English Honor Society Advisor), and the MHS English Honor Society Students! We truly are a connected community! In addition, Mashpee police officers and Firefighters came to students’ lunches to read to our students. Each day there was a special theme! Here are some pictures from throughout the week!