Friday, June 10, 2022

The Falcon Eye! 6/10/2022

 Comic Relief for Parents and Caregivers

Happy Retirement!
Thank you Ms. Palmer, Ms. Crimmins and Ms. Alberico for your love and dedication to the students of KCC and Mashpee Public Schools. We wish you all the best in your next journey.

2nd Grade
Gym Mural
by Kim Palmer
This year, Ms. Palmer created an Art Legacy Project for students and families to enjoy for years to come. The project consists of a gym mural of kids actively playing and moving in bright colors. The murals are giant versions of student work and they were displayed by Ms. Palmer and Ms. Daly. Please check out the video here to learn more about the creative process students took.

KCC Field Day!

Mashpee Public Library Visits KCC!

KCC had visitors from the Mashpee Public Library here to talk about the summer reading program. We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to keep our students reading (for free!) over the summer vacation!

Ms. Williams’s PK Picnic Day


Ms. Boroyan's Class shows their
KCC Love!

"R" is for Rainbow Day!

KCC ABC Countdown to Summer! Each day we celebrate a different letter of the alphabet! The school year is winding down so we are celebrating their hard work! To find out what we are doing each day, please click here!

We are GRATEFUL for our