- Students whose last name begins with the letter A-L, your time block on Wednesday is 4:10 pm until 4:50 pm.
- Students whose last name begins with the letter M-Z, your time block on Wednesday is 5:00 pm until 5:40 pm.
Physician medication orders and parent consent forms need to be renewed and submitted each school year. Medications given last year are not given this year without these forms.
Medications must be in the original container with the medication name and current date for each medication.
You must sign and complete a parent consent form for each medication.
You must provide a signed doctor’s order form for each medication.
Medications must be delivered by an adult to school to the health office. These procedures also include all over the counter medications. Please email me to arrange for a drop off time. I will also be present at the PK/K orientation night 8/31/22 from 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM.
Please feel free to stop by or contact the health office at (508)539-1520 ext. 104 or e-mail: sschakel@mpspk12.org. I look forward to working with you this year. Please also remember to email KCCattendance@mpspk12.org by 9:00 AM every time your child is absent with the reason for absence. If your child is sick please keep them home until they are 24 hrs without symptoms/fever free for 24 hrs without fever reducing medication or cleared by their primary care physician.