Thursday, September 1, 2022

The Falcon Eye 9/1/2022

 No School Friday 9/2 and Monday 9/5

Comic Relief for Parents and Caregivers

First Days of School!
The first days of school were incredible and we love having all the kids back in the building! We are looking forward to an incredible year with all of you!  -Deb and Brian

Parent Drop Off and Dismissal
Thank you all for your patience during our drop off and dismissal procedures. As parents and guardians you are an important piece to the safety and success of these two important times of day.  As you can see, it is extremely important to pay full attention to the road so we ask that you refrain from using your cell phones while entering KCC. 

KCC PTO Meeting
The PTO has moved their first meeting to this Tuesday,  9/6 at 5:30 PM on Zoom. The Zoom Link will be sent out soon to your emails. 

KCC/QS Welcome Back BBQ!
Mark your calendars for Friday, September 16th for our welcome back BBQ! The location is the field between KCC and QS. We start at 5:00 PM and the event will end at 7:00 PM. We can't wait to see you there!