Friday, February 10, 2023

The Falcon Eye! 2/10/23

Comic Relief for Parents and Caregivers 

On Tuesday 2/7 and all week long, KCC celebrated the success of 100 Days of School! Classes made 100 day of school hats, made projects and dressed to look 100 years old! We are incredibly proud of their hard work as well as their teachers and staff who are dedicated to their success. 

Upcoming PTO Event! 

Our Kids Heart Challenge is in full swing! We have one final week left to complete the Challenge. So far, we have raised  $1647.03!! All donations are due by Friday, February 17th. Thank you for keeping more hearts beating strong!! πŸ’—

Dear Mrs. Ryan and KCC Students, faculty and families,

As we wrap up the 6th annual backpack drive, we wanted to send a personal note of thanks.

Thank you for all the work you did! You and the students are amazing and you kindness and compassion is truly helping so many citizens in need!

Warm regards,
Nicole and Raegan

The Coalition for Children: 
Supporting Mashpee Families with Young Children
The Coalition for Children have several FREE programs for Mashpee families this month. Please help us spread the word! All of our programs are offered at no cost to families thanks to the Coordinated Family and Community Engagement (CFCE) Grant:

Enrollment is open for our school readiness program ParentChild+, a home visiting program for families with at least one child between the ages of 18-48 months. With free books and toys delivered to their homes each week, our specialists show caregivers fun ways to help young children learn at home. Please share the attached flyer or if it's easier, more details can also be found on our website (it's translated into Portuguese and Spanish as well).

Understanding Your Child's Uniqueness with Cindy Horgan 6-7:30pm February 16th on Zoom You can nurture children's development using parenting strategies that suit their temperaments. Understanding our own temperament as well as our child’s helps to prevent challenging behaviors and build healthy relationships. Caregivers can register online to get the Zoom meeting link:

Mindful Movement 3:00pm February 18th at the Falmouth Public Library An interactive play & learn featuring movement, mindfulness, stories and songs. Geared for ages 3.5 & up (siblings welcome) with a caregiver. Registration required: (This flyer translated into Portuguese is attached and accessible online here:

Thursday Pictures!