Friday, February 3, 2023

The Falcon Eye! 2/3/23

Early Release Monday 2/6/2023
12:30 PM Dismissal

Comic Relief for Parents and Caregivers

New Student Registration Opens 
February 14, 2023

100th Day of School!
KCC's 100th day of school is Tuesday, February 7th! This is an important milestone each school year and is a celebration of success. Ways to celebrate are to attach 100 items to your clothes, dress up to look like you've aged to 100 years or make it a point to count to 100! In the past students have made 100 day projects at home over the weekend such as building a 100 piece Lego sculpture or gluing 100 pennies on cardstock. If students bring in projects, we will set up tables to display their work!   

Here are KCC's January ST Math Superstars! These students worked very hard this past month and were the top math puzzle solvers for their grade. As a result of their hard work, they received a special math movement time in the gym. With great teamwork, as a school, we have solved over 336,000 puzzles this year! Amazing work everyone!

Half Way to a Marathon!
We are excited to announce the following students have completed 13.1 miles! Marathon is a weekly challenge 2nd graders choose to take on. Their goal is to achieve a full 26.2 miles by the end of the school year. Keep working hard and pushing yourself to go further! 
The students are: Ryan, Jasmine, Ryan, Christopher, Liam, and Trish.

Hearts Around the World!
Ms. Carbone's class has cards from 36 states and 
5 countries so far: Portugal, Qatar, Japan, England and Czech-Republic!

World Read Aloud Day
Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons and KCC welcomed the MMHS National Honor Society to read to PreK to 2! 

Biography Project with Mrs. Friel
Second graders in Ms. Fox's class have been learning about biographies, a story about a person's life written by someone else. These students worked to create beautiful collages of their person. KCC is very proud of their craftsmanship and dedication to learning.

What's for Lunch?

Ms. Fulone's PreK MMA Follow the Voyage!
 My class has been following the Mass. Maritime Cadets on their semester at sea and my class has really been enjoying it.  Today we made the Gallery of pictures on the website for coloring beautiful compass roses.  We have also taken a virtual tour of the ship, sent questions to the cadets and are currently making sailor valentines.  It is an adventure the children are lucky to have.  thought I would share the program with you!

Mashpee Recreation Department: 
Annual Valentine's Dance

Thursday Pictures