KCC Before and After-School Falcon Clubs!

To sign up for a club, please click here.
Clubs are first come first serve and
they fill up fast.
First week of clubs will meet the week of 9/25/23
Please complete the form by 9/15/23
Morning Student Drop Off
Thank you everyone for following staff directions in the morning. Please be aware that you may be directed by Mr. Prehna in the morning to drop your child off at the bus loop before buses begin to arrive. Staff will also be there to assist students being dropped off. It is crucial to follow all staff directions and to be attentive during drop off and pick up times. Please stay off your cell phones the entire time.

This year, KCC will be using Pick Up Patrol to assist with dismissal each day. Parents were sent an email from Pick Up Patrol last week regarding the app and the system. Please read and follow the directions in the email.
Afternoon Student Pick Up
Afternoon pick up time is extremely important and we need your assistance with moving the line along and keeping it safe for students and staff. Recently many adults driving are using their cell phones (texting, not hands free) which is causing large gaps in the line preventing a smooth transition. We know your lives are busy however the safety of your children and staff during this time is of utmost importance.
News from the PTO
The start of the school year is here, and the PTO is excited for the opportunity to be a friendly face in the school community! We will be hosting our annual Bake Sale at the KCC Open House on Thursday, September 14th from 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM to raise money for our students and teachers. Our success is driven by volunteers, so we are looking for donations of individually wrapped, nut-free treats to dress our table. Want to contribute, but don’t have the extra time to spend in the kitchen? We get it! Store bought goodies are welcome! Baked goods can be brought to the front office during school hours or directly to our table at the beginning of the event.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions. We greatly appreciate your support! Email to :kccptopresident@gmail.com
**New Kindergarten Parents/Guardians**
Welcome to Kindergarten! Please select the option that best describes your child’s preschool experience in the school year prior to entering Kindergarten. This survey is being generated to submit data to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education for the purpose of examining current public early childhood programming. The hope is to build better programs based on the individual choices families make in regards to early childhood education for their children. Please click here for the survey.
KCC Picture Day!
Connected Community!
Click here to learn more about
Thursday Pictures!