We hope you have time this
vacation to spend with family
and friends.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Vacation 11/22/23 - 11/24/23

All month long we celebrate and recognize indigenous people. Each day at KCC to honor the Wampanoag Community, we read biographies of Wampanoag men and women over the daily announcements. Linked here are the biographies being shared.On Tuesday, we read about Mr. Randy! Tuesday was marked as "Mr. Randy Day" and each class prepared a key to their classroom. He accepted the keys on a giant ring. Thank you Mr. Randy for your positive impact each day and for the last 20 years.
Kindness at KCC!
At KCC, students shine with kindness and support each other. Students in Ms. Fulone's class help each other zip up their jackets. Though he didn't end up being able to zip, the lesson was not lost on these two. Pano said, "Well, I can’t zip his coat but I tried and made him feel better”.