Happy Holidays
from KCC
We hope your vacation is spent with family and friends. This year has been fantastic and we can't wait to see what 2024 brings!
- MaryKate and Brian
KCC Clubs!
Session 1 of before/after-school clubs will end the week of January 22, 2024. Please be on the lookout for Session 2 sign ups the first week of January in the blog. Session 2 clubs will begin January 29th. Spirit Week Wrap Up!
See more photos under the Photos 2023/2024 Tab

Monday: Dress like a Teacher Day!
Tuesday: JiJi Day!

Wednesday: Mashpee Day!
Thank you to Nurse Stacey and Cassie for teaching our Kindergarten students all about dressing for the weather. We talked about the importance of being prepared for the cold, winter weather with jackets, boots, hats, and mittens or gloves, Cassie is ready for the winter, are you?
Coast Guard Visits KCC
Second grade students enjoyed a lesson in aerodynamics from the United States Coast Guard this week. After learning about the four different forces applied to planes (drag, thrust, lift, and weight), students got to assemble and test two different types of airplane models to see firsthand how those forces effected their flight. Thank you to the United States Coast Guard for a great lesson in aerodynamics!

Ms. Fulone's Mystery Readers!
This week was full of Mystery Readers!
ST Math December Super Stars!
Here are KCC's December ST Math Superstars! These students worked very hard this past month and were the top math puzzle solvers for their grade. As a result of their hard work, they received a special math movement time in the gym. With great teamwork, as a school, we have solved over 257,000 puzzles this year! We are well on our way to achieving our school goal of 80 Percent for All! Amazing work everyone! 🐧
Happy Holidays from DPW!
Thank you to our incredible DPW Team that takes great care of our building!
Connected Community!
High Five Friday!
The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe gave high fives to students arriving at school this Friday! Thank you to members of the tribal community for strengthening our connected community.
Family Events at the Cotuit Library!
Cape Kids Meals

Coalition for Children
Thursday Pictures!
I Fit at MPS!