Parent/Student Handbooks (All Schools)
Addendum for SY 23-24
Approved by Mashpee School Committee: 2/7/24
Mashpee Public Schools strives to be a fragrance-controlled school district and recognizes that exposure to strong scents and fragrances in the indoor environment may cause discomfort and/or impact the health of sensitive individuals. Mashpee Public Schools has students, staff and visitors with health conditions that are affected by fragrances. In an effort to keep the indoor environment healthy and comfortable for all individuals, we respectfully request that anyone who comes to Mashpee Public Schools be as fragrance-free as possible.
Because of the possibility that aromas and chemicals may trigger an allergic reaction and may pose a significant health risk to students, faculty and staff with asthma and allergies, and because these devices pose a significant fire/burn hazard, Mashpee Public Schools prohibit the indoor use of any type of fragrance products and dispensing devices including but not limited to:
Essential oils, sage, smudging practices.
Note: The burning of cedar, sweet grass, and sage for ceremonial purposes only may take place outside on school property with prior approval of the building principal or designee.
Scented humidifiers and diffusers.
Plug-in or aerosolized air fresheners ie: Glade Air Fresheners, Air Wick, Wall Flowers.
Any device that requires a flame, electricity or any heat producing device to achieve fragrance output ie: Candles, wax melting pots, hot plates.
Only cleaning products and deodorizers supplied by Mashpee DPW are to be used in our facilities.
We wanted to make a fresh appearance this week by kind of reintroducing ourselves to all of you. The PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) is put in place to serve our school community. We work with the school staff to support parents and students and foster community togetherness. We raise money to help fund school activities, classroom materials, and add enhancements to our school. We host many school community events, such as Scholastic Book Fair, Back to School BBQ, and Game Night. Our goal is simply to support, and we are grateful for the opportunity to do so.
President: Amanda Keane
Vice President: Petra McLaughlin
Treasurer: Stephanie Cayer
Recording Secretary: Kaitlyn Mutrie
Corresponding Secretary: Ashley Spears
Our final family ski day is taking place on Monday March 4th. WooHoo! After the early dismissal, families will make their way to Blue Hills Ski Area for an afternoon of fun on the mountain. Meeting time is 3:00 pm at the ticket building. A group rate is available for lift tickets, rentals, and lessons as long as our group consists of at least 20 members. When your child brings home the flier with more detailed information, please RSVP with payment by Wednesday February 28th to kccptopresident@gmail.com. The group that went earlier this month had an amazing time, and they are excited to hit the mountain again in a couple of weeks with more of the KCC community! We know Punxsutawney Phil predicted an early spring, but let’s keep the snow going for a little bit longer. Right?! Have a Falcon-tastic February Vacation!