School counselors work with all students to support them in all endeavors at school. School counselors support students in need and work with the entire student body to build upon their strengths pro-actively. You can usually see counselors teaching lessons, running small groups or reaching out to families to assist in all aspects. We appreciate Ms. Walsh, Ms. Beth, Dr. Milano and Ms. Thompson for their hard work and dedication to KCC.
Preschool and Kindergarten Registration is OPEN!
Students currently enrolled at KCC do not need to register.
Next year our full day 4 year old PreK program will run from 9:05 AM - 2:45 PM. The Mashpee Rec. Department will have after school care starting at 2:45 PM for the 4 year old full day program.
Thank you Ms. Souza (Math Coach) and all of the amazing KCC staff who volunteered on Thursday to put on an incredible math event! Ms. Brodie and the MMHS National Honor Society volunteered at stations and helped with set up and clean up. Thank you to the DPW custodial staff for their hard work with set up and clean up. Thank you to the PTO for providing the snow cone machine.
The winners of the JiJi Estimation Station are:
- How many volcanoes high is JiJi? 17 WINNER is Gianna B. in 1st Grade Ms. Grieves
- How many snowballs in the jar? 27 WINNER is Domemic P. 2nd Grade Ms. Fox
- How many cubes in the jar? 145 WINNER is Ella T. in 1st Grade Ms. Tessicini
- How many kisses in the jar? 79 WINNER is Jamison B. in 2nd Grade Ms. Fox
No Place for Hate
On Wednesday, KCC students and staff presented to School Committee the activities being completed for No Place for Hate. Thank you Ms. Friel (Art Teacher) and Ms. Segal (BCBA) for presenting the Puzzle Piece Project and discussing our next activities to build upon our strong connected inclusive community. Students were wonderful and shared their puzzle pieces to show how we fit at KCC. At the meeting, School Committee, parents in attendance and administration signed the promise. This promise is posted in the front office. Each class signed their promise after the Rally at the Rail and are posted outside of all classrooms.

Ms. Friel, Ms. Segal, Mr. Prehna, Ms. O'Brien
Samson D., June K., Odin W., Lara D., Mila A.
2nd Grade Classes Perform
Contraction Surgery!
The class participated in an activity where they had to “preform surgery” on words to make them into contractions. It was a huge hit and they all loved it!
Health Lesson with Cassie!
Thank you to Nurse Stacey and Cassie for teaching our Kindergarten students about fruits and vegetables. We talked about different kinds of fruits and vegetables and how important they are to keep our bodies healthy. We learned that Cassie's favorites are apples and carrots!
College Students Visit KCC

Students and staff dressed up in their PJs to celebrate filling up the Falcon Nest with eggs. Eggs are given to mark the moment of a positive behavior that shows the Falcon 5 and our No Place for Hate Promise. Keep up the great work!
A message from
2nd Grade
The second grade team is organizing a food collection to replenish our local Mashpee food pantries after the holidays. The holidays are a busy time and very often our local food pantries become low on supplies after the new year. We will be collecting food from Monday, February 5th through Thursday, February 15th. The food will be delivered to St. Vincent de Paul and the Mashpee Wampanoag Food Pantry on Friday, February 16th. Click Here for the full letterA message from Ms. Daly
The Board is excited to share that our meeting this month was a success. A few teachers came to us with classroom experiences that needed funding, and we are always happy to offer our support. The money that is raised through our fundraisers goes directly back into the school. Field trips, classroom experiences, and supplies are just some of the ways we are able to help out financially. Our goal is to help our students and faculty thrive. We are here for all of you in any way that we can be.
Planning is well underway for our family game night and our teacher and staff luncheon. Game Night will be taking place on Thursday March 14th, and will be a multicultural theme. We can’t wait to see everyone come together to celebrate all of the cultures and heritages that make up our KCC community. The theme for our teacher and staff luncheon is chosen, but we don’t want to ruin the surprise just yet! Could be fun to give a little hint every now and then though. What do you think? How good are all of you at piecing together hints? Let’s find out! Clue #1: It’s FUN!
Our first family ski event took place this past Monday, and a good time was had by all! We are so happy families were able to come and enjoy some time on the slopes. If you weren’t able to make it this month, you will have another opportunity on Monday March 4th! A Save-the-Date and additional information will be going out to students next week. We hope you’ll consider joining us! Have a Falcon-tastic weekend!
Community Connections!

Thursday Pictures!
I Fit at KCC!