Early Release Monday, 2/5/24
Important Monday Morning Bus Information
M5 and M6 will be combined for the morning pick up route. There could be a delay in pick up however all routes will be picked up.
Rally at the Rail!
No Place for Hate
On Monday, KCC kicked off our No Place for Hate initiative! Thunder joined in learning about our school's No Place for Hate promise! The focus of our rally was to emphasize how we all fit at KCC! Ms. C. lead the school in the KCC School Song! Students recited our promise and signed it after the rally. Please talk to your children about how we all fit at KCC!
Parent Drop Off and Pick Up
The safety of students and staff are of utmost importance. We ask that when dropping off your your children, remain off your cell phones and follow all staff directions. Please be patient when either dropping off or picking up children. There is no rush and please do not pass or pull out in front of cars without staff permission. Please slow down when approaching and when leaving the school. We appreciate your cooperation to ensure the safety of staff and children.
100th Day of School Celebration!
February 5, 2024!
Students currently enrolled at KCC do not need to register
Falcon Five Celebration!
ST Math Super Stars!
Students at KCC continue to thrive and complete puzzles on ST Math with JiJi! Each month, the weekly Super Stars who are completing their puzzles join JiJi in the gym with Ms. Souza (Math Coach) to celebrate their success by playing math games! Students played I Love ST Math, Stuck on an Iceberg and JiJi Tag! Students have completed 54% of the ST Math program! We are 11% ahead of our goal!
Winter Waddle Math Night!
KCC Welcomed QS ST Math Super Stars!
On Wednesday, Ms. Souza (Math Coach) facilitated ST Math puzzles with QS and KCC students! Students from both schools were thrilled to work together! Thank you to QS for being positive role models to our Falcons!

The next PTO meeting is Tuesday, February 6th at 5:30pm in the KCC cafeteria. As always, we would love to see as many of you as possible.
Pizza and childcare for Pre-K and up is provided.
Topics of discussion include:
Family Game Night in March.
Our theme is “Multicultural”, and we are so excited about incorporating games and activities from countries of heritage of our KCC students and families.
Teacher Appreciation Day: We will be discussing this year’s theme for our Teacher and Staff Luncheon, as well as our proposed budget.
Booster Event Sponsors
While our Dance-A-Thon fundraiser isn’t until May 2nd, we are working on gathering sponsors for the t-shirts students will be wearing during the event on May 10th. If you or someone you know would like to sponsor our school, please contact Amanda at kccptopresident@gmail.com. If you have any questions about sponsorship and would like to learn more, we encourage you to attend this month’s meeting.
Interactive survey
The PTO wants to get to know you and learn how we can better serve our KCC families. We will be going over survey questions we want to include in the blog, and we would love it if you had any feedback to share. We are excited about incorporating more ways for us to be more transparent with our KCC community and grow our connection to all of you.
A message from
2nd Grade
The second grade team is organizing a food collection to replenish our local Mashpee food pantries after the holidays. The holidays are a busy time and very often our local food pantries become low on supplies after the new year.We will be collecting food from Monday, February 5th through Thursday, February 15th. The food will be delivered to St. Vincent de Paul and the Mashpee Wampanoag Food Pantry on Friday, February 16th. Click Here for the full letterConnected Community
I Fit at MPS!