Hand washing: Cold/Flu season is here. Correct and frequent hand washing is the best prevention for avoiding getting colds and flu. Because colds, Covid and flu share many of the same symptoms, it can be difficult, or even impossible to tell the difference between them based on symptoms. The flu is often worse than the common cold, and symptoms such as fever, body aches, extreme tiredness, and dry cough are more common and intense. Runny or stuffy noses are more common with a cold. Antigen self/home tests are helpful to rule out Covid. If you would like a free COVID test for home use please email me.
Clothing: As the weather becomes cooler, please make sure your child wears a warm coat daily. Remember hats and mittens when the weather is cold, as we go outside for recess as long as the weather allows. Please also remember that sneakers are the best shoe-wear for school. Be sure to include a change of clothes including underwear and socks in their backpack at all times.
Health office Visits: If you wish to be notified each time your child visits the health office please send in a written note requesting this so all staff will be made aware of this request.
Screenings: If you do not wish for your child to participate in health screenings please send in a written note stating this or email me directly at sschakel@mpspk12.org.
Medications at school: If your child requires medications or treatments or emergency medications during school hours or participates in school sponsored activities, it is necessary to remember the following as noted in the student/parent handbook. Medications must be in the original container with the medication name and current date for each medication.
* You must sign and complete a parent consent form for each medication.
* You must provide a signed doctor’s order form for each medication.
Medications must be delivered by an adult to school. These procedures also include all over the counter medications. Please contact the health office to arrange for medication drop off and form review. Forms may be found on our website:
Health Insurance: If your child does not have health insurance or a primary care physician please reach out to me so I may assist you. Nurse Stacey sschakel@mpspk12.org
Our hearts are so FULL after seeing all of you at the Welcome Back BBQ this past Friday! Thank you all so much for making it a fun evening. A special thanks to our volunteer crew, the Quashnet School PTO, the Mashpee Fire Department, the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe, the National Junior Honor Society Students from the Middle and High School, and our incredible vendors (Dino’s Sports Bar & Grill, Coca-Cola, Andy’s Market, and Stephanie Viva). We shared a quick reel on our social media pages, so if you haven’t already done so be sure to check it out! We are now on Instagram, too! If you want to give us a follow, our handle is kenneth_c_coombs_pto.
Our PTO meeting this month will be virtual, via zoom. A special guest will be joining us, too! Mr. Glen Koocher from the Massachusetts Association of School Committees is working on developing a profile for the next permanent Superintendent of our Mashpee Public Schools. We are looking forward to having him.
Here is the zoom info to attend Monday’s meeting. We hope to see you!
Click Here ----> https://mpspk12-org.zoom.us/j/88119585831
Upcoming Events:
PTO Meeting Monday October 7th, 6:00pm via Zoom
Scholastic Book Fair Week: Wednesday November 6th-Saturday November 16th
Go Falcons!