Thank you KCC for your patience and understanding this week as we worked through the situation with the water.

KCC Before/After School Clubs!
KCC Before/After School Clubs start this week 9/25/23! All club sheets went home in backpacks today!
An unexpected and pleasant surprise happened early Thursday morning. Tiffany from First Light Flights landed safely but unexpectedly on the field between our schools.
Mashpee Girl Scouts!
This week KCC students who are Girl Scouts volunteered to pick up trash on the road leading up to the school. The girls worked so hard and our school grounds look even better! We are so proud of you!
What to do when you're late?
Staff (usually Mr. Prehna) directs parents who are dropping off students to the front of the building at 9:05 AM which means your child is late to school. Parents are required to park in the front (never in the bus loop) and walk their child to the front door where they will be marked late by an administrative assistant. If you are running late for Kids Klub or school meeting, never drive on the wrong side of the road to get to the front of the building. This is a traffic violation and extremely dangerous. Kids Klub does not accept students into their program after 8:45 AM and KCC does not allow students to enter the building until 8:53 AM. If dropping off and you are in this time frame, you'll be directed to drop off during normal drop off routines.
KCC and QS Read Together!
Mrs. O'Brien's 1st grade class and Mrs. Lepore's 4th grade are book buddies again this year! We had a great time meeting our Quashnet friends, reading books from our class library and most of all, coloring with them! We will be doing this once a month and look forward to the next visit. We had a great time and can't wait for October's book buddy date!
Thank you to everyone who donated to our Bake Sale with yummy treats! We couldn’t believe the amount of goodies we had to offer! And another thank you to everyone who came to our table and purchased treats and spirit wear, and who signed up to be volunteers! It was such a successful night, and that’s all because of our amazing families. We enjoyed meeting and interacting with all of you, and we look forward to seeing you at future events and our monthly PTO meetings!
Connected Community Events
The Coalition for Children
Every Child Matters
We are partnering with the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe to recognize Orange Shirt Day on Friday, September 29, 2023. Orange Shirt Day was started
in Canada in 2013, and its function is to create awareness of the individual, family, and community intergenerational impacts of Indian Residential Schools through Orange Shirt Day activities, and to promote the concept of “Every Child Matters.” Members of our school community (students and
staff) are encouraged to wear orange shirts on September 29th to commemorate the children lost to Indian Boarding Schools. Everyone is invited to join the event at the Mashpee rotary at 1 PM on September 30th and to the social following at the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Government Center.
Linked below is an online resource that will help you learn more about the history of Indian Boarding Schools:
Thursday Pictures