Friday, December 8, 2023

The Falcon Eye! 12/8/2023

Report Cards: 12/11/2023

Report cards are issued three times a year in grades K-2: December, March, and June. These reports are provided to inform both you and your child about progress being made.  They serve as a formal record and help communication between the home and the school. For students receiving Special Education services, Special education progress reports are also issued with regular report cards during the school year.  

The issued report card should remain at home with the parent/guardian, and the envelope should be signed and returned to the school within one (1) week after each of the first two terms.  The signature on the envelope does not indicate approval, merely the fact that the report card has been examined by the parent/guardian. Report cards are not a substitute for parent conferences. Parents/guardians are encouraged to regularly communicate with their child’s teacher to monitor their child’s academic progress. 

Our standards-based report card communicates clearly what students are expected to know and be able to do by the end of the academic year as set forth by the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks. Each grade level standard is taught, assessed, and reported within the standards on the report card. Important skills that students should learn in each subject at a particular grade level are shown on the report card. Parents/guardians will be able to see exactly which skills and knowledge their children have learned per term, allowing them to better understand their child’s strengths and areas requiring additional focus. Our reporting system reflects the extensive work of our teachers to match curriculum, rubrics, and assessments to the standards.  

Grading System for Core Academics (Grades K-2)

4Exceeding the grade-level standard/expectation

3:  Meeting the grade-level standard/expectation 

2:  Progressing towards grade-level standard/expectation 

1:  Not yet meeting grade-level standard/expectation

X:  Standard is not assessed at this time

Grading System for Special Subjects/Core Values/Prosocial Skills (Grades K-2)

E:  Exceeding grade-level standard/expectation 

M:  Meeting grade level standard/expectation

P:  Progressing towards grade-level standard/expectation 

N:  Not yet meeting grade-level standard/expectation

X:  Standard is not assessed at this time.

Grading for Preschool – Students at the preschool level are assessed utilizing a development scale in language, cognitive development, mathematics and early literacy skills, Reports are issued twice a year.  

  It is common for children to be performing at a Level 1 or 2 in the first term of a grade-level as the standards reflect end-of-the-year goals. Should you have any questions regarding your child’s performance, please contact your child’s teacher for additional information. 

Thunder Visits KCC!
At KCC, students earn Falcon Eggs throughout the day for showing Falcon 5 behaviors. Falcon 5 behaviors are being safe, responsible, respectful, caring and ready! Staff recognize a student's behavior with a Falcon Egg and the specific reason why they earned an egg. Students add their eggs to the nest and when the school's Falcon Nest is full, we celebrate! This week Thunder visited KCC to celebrate the filling of the nest! 

Winter Weather!
With the temperature dropping snow in the forecast, we will still be going outside for recess. Please make sure your child has winter jackets, hats, gloves and footwear. If you are in need of a jacket, please reach out to our school counselors: Ms. Walsh and/or Ms. Thompson 

Grade 1 Concert

What's for Lunch?

PTO News! 

Community Connections

Thursday Pictures!