Friday, May 10, 2024

The Falcon Eye! 5/10/24

Staff Appreciation Week!
May 6th - May 10th
Thank you to all of the incredible KCCS staff who work tirelessly to make sure your children learn and grow. The staff are dedicated to not only your children but to creating a loving, caring place for the community. The PTO really went all out too! They provided staff gifts (Kenneth C. Coombs School embroidered beach towels) and held a staff lunch in with lobster rolls! 

Cell Phones/Personal Electronic Devices

In today's world there is an increase of devices and we want to remind parents and guardians of our policy. This includes Smart Watches. Please see the policy below that comes from page 15 of our handbook.

"If you need to leave a message for your child, please contact the main office prior to 2:30 PM to ensure delivery of your message. Please do not send text messages to your child’s cell the school day. A student is not permitted to use his/her cell phone during the school day, unless directed to do so by his/her teacher.  Student cell phones must remain turned off during school hours and stored away (i.e. in a backpack, purse, desk, or placed in a designated area within the classroom).  Each classroom is equipped with a telephone that is available to the students for emergencies only. A student’s use of the classroom telephone requires the permission of the classroom teacher. (See also the “Student Code of Conduct” section of this handbook.)

Headphones or earbuds are not permitted to be used in the school setting during the school day.  The only exception is if a teacher approves the use of headphones or earbuds for a limited time period for a specific classroom instructional/academic purpose and if the teacher has incorporated their use into the day’s lesson under controlled conditions.  

Active engagement with a SMART watch during school hours is prohibited."

KCCS Field Trips! 
Field trips are directly tied to our curriculum and enhance our students' experiences as well as build lasting memories! Below are just a couple of the wonderful field trips that are funded by our PTO. 
 2nd Grade Field Trip to  
Cape Cod Museum of Natural History

1st Grade Field Trip to Woods Hole

PTO News!

Are you ready for some INCREDIBLE news?! WE SURPASSED OUR FUNDRAISING GOAL!! Thanks to all of your help, we have raised over $24,000 so far! KCC is the place to be! 

Mark your Calendars:

PTO Election Meeting: Tuesday May 14th 5:30pm in the cafeteria (this is the final PTO meeting of the school year)

This week is Teacher Appreciation Week, and we celebrated our KCC faculty and staff with a “Day at the Beach” themed luncheon. They enjoyed lobster rolls, clam chowder, sausage and peppers, and pie (catered by the amazing Wild Game Sausage Man), and took home embroidered beach towels. Our staff truly deserves the best, and it is always a privilege to put together this special luncheon. So, from the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU KCC FACULTY AND STAFF! And THANK YOU families for your support! This is a community effort, and we appreciate you supporting the PTO in any capacity. 

Thank you to all of the parents/guardians that joined us at Color Me Mine for our “Paint with the PTO” event! We had so much fun getting to know all of you! We can’t wait to bring more events

like this to you! 

Reminder about the final PTO meeting for this school year will take place on Tuesday May 14th at 5:30pm in the cafeteria. This is an Election Meeting. While current members of the board are staying on in some capacity, all positions are open! We would love to have more family members join us at the table, whether as a fellow board member or just as an attendee. Flyers went home with your students, and there is a ballot attached. If you know someone who would be a great fit for a role on the Executive Board please send back the ballots with your nominations. Self-nominations are welcomed and strongly encouraged! Hope to see you all there!

Falcon Dance Off!

The Falcon Dance Off was a huge success! We raised over $24,000 for KCCS! Thank you to the PTO and Boosters for organizing a super fun day for all our KCCS students and families!

                   Connected Community 

Thursday Pictures! 
I Fit at MPS!