No School Monday 5/27
KCCS Reaches their ST Math Goal
This year KCCS reached our goal to reach 80% for all on ST Math. Students worked extremely hard all year solving puzzles with JiJi. Thank you to Math Coach Souza for champion this incredible program. On June 12th the whole school will celebrate this incredible achievement. This is the second year in a row KCCS has met and this year we actually exceed our goal!
KCCS currently holds the trophy from our win last year!
Final Marathon!

Congratulations to all of our Second graders for completing 2450 miles in our Marathon program!!
That's all the way to Las Vegas, Nevada! It was so exciting finishing our last mile!! Thank you to Ms. Daly and special subject teachers getting them ready for this culminating event. The weather really worked out for us and we were happy to see parents joining in on the fun!
If you are dismissing your child after Field Day, your child will meet you in the front office.
We are looking forward to seeing you.
Students had a blast all year long in their before/after school KCCS clubs! The last day of clubs as well as the late bus is Thursday 5/30.
Please make sure to ask your children to take a look at the Lost and Found. The Lost and Found will be going away very soon.
Kindergarten Here We Come!
On Tuesday, KCCS invited all incoming kindergarten students to learn about school, meet teachers and even enjoy some ice cream from Sea Scoops! The PTO generously donated all the ice cream to children and families! Kindergarten is an important year full of academic and social emotional learning. Thank you to all the staff members who volunteered to make this event so successful.
KCCS Clubs

Cotuit Art Bus Visits KCCS!
Thank you to Ms. Friel for inviting the Cotuit Art Bus to KCCS. Students really enjoyed this unique experience.
Lost and Found
Health Lesson with Cassie!
Thank you to Nurse Stacey and Cassie for teaching our Kindergarten students all about ticks, lice, and summertime safety tips. We have learned so much about how to keep healthy this year!
On Wednesday, the first grade students had a special visit from the Children's Librarian at the Mashpee Public Library. The form to register for a library card was sent home in your child's folder. If your child does not already have a library card for the public library, please complete the form and return it to KCC by June 4. Mrs. Smith will hand-deliver the forms and the cards will be ready at the circulation desk at the Mashpee Public Library right in time for summer reading! Thank you.
Thursday Pictures
I Fit at MPS!