Teacher Conferences: Tuesday 10/29
Early Release Day: PreK 11:45 AM, K-2 12:30 PM
There is one more day for parents/guardians to schedule to meet your child's teacher. To schedule your time to meet with your child's teacher, please click here. This will allow you to schedule time to discuss your child's current performance and expected growth.
Superintendent Spotlight Podcast
Each month Interim Superintendent Thomson hosts a Podcast about the important work we do in the district. This week, KCCS was on the Podcast to talk about No Place for Hate. Click here and go to time 7:45 to jump right into learning about the work we do at KCCS!
At KCCS, we will be having an Orange and Black Day. Please feel free to come dressed in Orange and Black. As a friendly reminder, there are no costumes, masks or props at school and please keep candy at home. We appreciate your support.
Adventures at Coonamessett Farms!
Last week kindergarteners went to Coonamessett Farms to learn about animals and pick their favorite pumpkin to bring home! Thank you to the PTO for sponsoring this educational field trip! If you're looking to learn more about how you can support your child's school, please join us on Tuesday 11/5 at 5:30 PM at KCCS.
PreK Academics
PreK classes are learning about letter formation in our new school wide curriculum Handwriting Without Tears. In PreK, students are read to and taught academic lessons daily so attendance is key to your child's success. Here is a look inside Ms. Blackburn's and Ms. Fulone's classes!
Kindergarten Academics
Each grade level builds upon each other, making attendance even more important. Kindergarten classes are deep into the Wonders curriculum and Handwriting Without Tears. Here is a glimpse into Ms. Wilber, Ms. Richmond and Ms. Swifts kindergarten classrooms.Donate to KCCS
The Southport Community held a Fall Book Festival which raised money for the KCCS library. Ms. LaBrecque presented Ms. Smith a check for $157.00 to be used to support the program. The Southport Falcons held a book swap and invited an author presentation from Dianne Braley who wrote, Silence in the Fall at the Southport Library. Thank you so much to the Southport Falcon community for supporting KCCS!
KCCS and QS Read Together
Mrs. O'Brien's first grade class and Mrs Lepore's fourth grade class have teamed up for another year of book buddies! Our students are thrilled to be reading with each other once a month. We are so proud of them and look forward to a great year working together :)
KCCS Students Support Each Other Recess is an important time of day for socialization, free play and building life long friendships. The Buddy Bench is a place for all students who are looking to play with others, take a quick break from running or sit and just chat. Talk to your children about the
The Coast Guard Visits KCCS Second grade had a visit from the Coast Guard this week and learned about aviation during STEM class! Students folded two different types of paper airplanes and talked about the differences in flight between the two models. Thank you Coast Guard for our continued partnership with our school and creating these fun and engaging lessons for our second graders!
PTO News!
Wow! Fall is in full swing, which means the Scholastic Book Fair is almost here!! Now is the time to start setting up your eWallet! eWallet is a digital payment account allowing you to fund your child’s purchases in advance. Kids can feel empowered to choose books without handling money, and can focus on what matters most at the Book Fair: discovering a lifelong love of reading.To learn about how to set up your eWallet, visit this link here: https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/content/fairs/ewallet.html
The link to the KCCS Book Fair Homepage is here: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/kennethcoombses
Wishing all who celebrate Halloween a safe and fun night of trick-or-treating!
Mark your Calendars:
Tuesday November 5th: PTO Meeting at 5:30pm in the KCCS Cafeteria
Wednesday November 6th: Book Fair Kick-Off Day and Book BINGO (5:30pm-7:30pm in the KCCS Cafeteria and Gym
Wednesday November 6th-Saturday November 16th: Scholastic Book Fair
Saturday November 16th: Books and Breakfast Bites from 10am-1pm in the KCCS Cafeteria and Gym
Go Falcons!